They came, they saw, they bid on 35 wood sculptures created by chain saw artists A. J. Lutter and Dennis Keenan. The auction was conducted by the 2012 KAA Auctioneer Champion Jeff Crissup from Helena, Okla., and Lenny Mullin from Lenexa, Kan., the 2012 runner-up. Ringmen were Mike Bailey and Ron Gingerich with Ralph (Doc) Gingerich, clerk, and Jenny Gingerich, cashier. Buhler High School FFA boys provided manpower to set up the auction.
The sale is a benefit for various fair projects and this year’s sale totaled $18,890. Highlights were a hummingbird that sold for $1,400 and a horse bench that sold for $1,600.
Thanks to KAA for their support and the Kansas State Fair for the opportunity to showcase our auctioneer champions.